Explore Free Plan Be Eco Module. Start Today.

Stay CSRD Compliant & Take the First Step
Towards Sustainability.
Calculate Carbon Footprints and Discover How Simple It Can Be with Plan Be Eco.
Get free access to carbon footprint calculation software with basic functionalities in scope 1 & 2 emissions presented in a clear, intuitive range.
Achieve regulatory compliance, market competitiveness, and improve strategic decision-making today.
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What market leaders say about us?
Working with Plan Be Eco was a key step in our commitment to sustainability. Their expertise has enabled us to understand the environmental impact of our operations. Through carbon footprint analysis and personalised reduction plans, we are now able to effectively minimise our impact on the planet. This is not only environmentally friendly, but also beneficial to our business!

The collaboration with Plan Be Eco is all the more valuable because I was keen to expand my knowledge on the topic of carbon footprinting and the process of effective data collection within our organisation. I hope this will become a routine habit for us and the data will allow us to make more informed decisions, e.g. purchasing decisions. We did not have a data collection process built in. By collaborating and modelling an application specifically for our needs and conditions, we were able to count the footprint in this difficult area and plan the data collection process for the following years.

The whole process went very smoothly and with relatively little time and effort on our part.
We worked with Plan Be Eco in 2022; in 2023, satisfied with the results, we calculated the carbon footprint again using this tool.

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