Frequently Asked Questions

A carbon footprint is the sum of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by an organization, product, or person. It includes emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other GHGs expressed in CO2 equivalent. A carbon footprint is one method of calculating the impact of a business or thing, or even a person themselves, on the climate.
- Environmental
- Business and strategic
- CSR-related
- PR
- Employer Branding
The carbon footprint is calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol and ISO 14064-1 standards – both documents provide specific guidance on how to do this. You can use consulting or a tool (e.g. Plan Be Eco), into which companies enter the necessary data.
The carbon footprint is expressed in three scopes:
Scope 1 is all direct activities that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions: fuel combustion in stationary or mobile sources that the company owns or oversees, process emissions, and fugitive emissions.
Scope 2 is the energy necessary for the company’s operation, supplied from outside. Thus, these are indirect energy emissions from the consumption of electricity, heat, steam, or cooling provided by suppliers.
Scope 3 is divided into two areas and a total of 15 categories.
- Upstream emissions are, along with Scope 1 and Scope 2, produced up to the point of manufacturing the finished product along with logistics, business travel (cradle to gate),
- Downstream emissions are associated with the product’s continued life, transportation, use, and how waste will be disposed of (cradle to grave).
- Purchased raw materials and services (e.g., office equipment, water, etc.).
- Capital goods
- Energy and fuel-related emissions are not included in Scopes 1 and 2.
- Transportation and distribution performed with vehicles or equipment not owned or controlled by the organization
- Waste disposal
- Business travel
- Commuting by employees
- Emissions associated with the operation of leased assets not covered by Scope 1 and 2
- Transportation and distribution of products
- Processing of products sold
- Use of products sold
- Dealing with sold products after they have been used
- Leased assets not included in scopes 1 and 2
- Franchises
- Investments
To reduce their carbon footprint, companies must change a lot in their daily operations – replace machinery, processes, transportation, or suppliers with environmentally friendly ones. They should also take care of the education and habits of their employees. What cannot be reduced must be offset.
Offset – it’s like compensating the planet for the damage we’re doing to it with our business actions. We can use both natural and technological solutions. These include wise foresting, wetland irrigation, river restoration, capturing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and their storage, and processing (e.g., CO2). It can also be the purchase of carbon credits – certificates confirming the reduction of 1 ton of CO2e, and financial support of offset organizations.
Under EU law, non-financial reports companies obliged to report carbon footprint are:
- Companies already subject to non-financial reporting begin reporting from 2025 (2024 report)
- Large companies not currently subject to non-financial reporting
- must begin reporting from 2026 (2025 report)
- Listed SMEs (except microentrepreneurs), small and non-complex credit institutions, and insurance companies – reporting from 2027 (2026 report)
- International companies with a net turnover of <150€ million in the EU – reporting from 2029 (2028 report)
However, many companies, despite failing to fulfil the criteria mentioned above, are or will be forced to calculate their carbon footprint, as this will be the expectation of clients, investors, and financial institutions.
The digital carbon footprint is the CO2e emitted through using the internet with electronic devices (watching videos, streaming games, writing emails, and generally transferring data). The digital carbon footprint generates, for example, the energy consumption required to power routers and server rooms, transmit data to all points, and maintain cryptocurrencies.
Carbon Neutrality, NET-Zero, Zero Emissions is the state in which a country’s, entity’s, or organization’s carbon dioxide emissions are entirely offset by absorbing, neutralizing, or capturing CO2. To achieve Carbon Neutrality, a company’s or product’s total emissions must first be carefully analyzed, reduced where possible, and only what is irreducible offset.
The true cost is more than a carbon footprint. It’s a broader view of the consumption of the planet’s resources required to produce a product. It considers greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption, raw materials, rare metals, and human labor. True cost shows the impact of a given production on the environment and the local community.
It is a comprehensive tool created by Plan Be Eco that enables organizations to calculate their carbon footprint. It supports achieving climate neutrality and carbon footprint reporting in a low-cost and knowledge-free way.
We designed our software to be as user-friendly and intuitive as possible. Reporting all the details requires no technical knowledge and no ESG background. Follow our rules and hints, and it will be easier than you thought!
Yes, however, there are some limitations. Book a demo with our expert, and let’s discuss the details!
No, Plan Be Eco is a web app designed to be used on desktop computers.
There is an embedded chat with our experts, where you can always message us. According to the plan, you can also have dedicated support from our sustainability team. In addition, all premium users will have access to special workshops and sustainability materials our experts provide.
You can always upgrade your subscription to have more features. Downgrade opportunity appears once a year on the occasion of your subscription renewal.
Oh yes! Every year you will receive a discount on our yearly subscription equal to the percent of your carbon footprint reduction (year to year).
*At the moment maximum discount = 60%