No company in the world does not generate a carbon footprint. Interestingly, small businesses and medium-sized companies, although they make up about 90% of businesses worldwide produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than the world’s largest companies – they account for the majority of global emissions. Since each company emits carbon emissions, each can also reduce them and contribute to reducing climate change. One company’s climate neutrality will make more companies strive to do the same – a domino effect approaching the goal of net zero in 2050.
What is carbon neutral business?
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A carbon neutral business is one that, as a result of its activities, calculates and reduces the emissions it produces, and offsets those that cannot be reduced. What this means is that the balance between emissions produced and removed from the atmosphere as a result of the company’s activities must be zero. By achieving this goal, the company emits net zero emissions and becomes carbon neutral.
How to become a carbon neutral business by 2050
The European Union has declared that all countries will achieve climate neutrality within the next few years (by 2050 at the latest). The United Nations SME Climate Hub has a similar goal – to halve emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050 for all small and medium-sized enterprises. It is achievable, but action should not be delayed – the sooner, the better.
Why is it so important to achieve net zero carbon emissions?
Scientists have no doubt, humans are responsible for climate catastrophe. Emissions generated by industry, agriculture, or other sectors of the economy have upset the balance, and the Earth has been warming since the industrial age. Only if we keep warming at 1.5 degrees (as envisioned by the Paris Agreement) will we be able to prevent irreversible changes on the planet. This is only possible by reducing emissions on a global scale. At present, there is no other way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than to strive for all companies to measure their carbon footprint, reduce it and undergo a transformation towards environmental sustainability.
What is environmental sustainability?
Simply put, it’s protecting global ecosystems and taking responsibility for preserving resources for future generations as well. It’s a move away from over-consumption, and prudent management of resources so that the sustainable future of our descendants, their health, and their well-being, are not at risk. Forward-thinking is key here, as climate change is not observed overnight – so will take decades to fix. Humanity must stop being selfish so that the planet can survive as we know it.
Sustainability is a priority for Chief Executive Officer and investor
According to the Climate Leadership in the Eleventh Hour report, nearly ¾ of CEOs worldwide (72%) confirm that sustainability is a priority after dealing with the effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the UK, 67% of customers are already more likely to go for products created through a sustainability-based process. In a recent Dealroom report, investors with large portfolios in Europe rate the Planet Positive as the most promising for VC funding.
Other businesses will follow you
Interestingly, many companies will pledge the same goal, regardless of the motives of the companies pursuing the net zero goals – whether because of concern for the planet, regulations, market requirements, or a desire to get ahead of the competition. Both entrepreneurs and the planet need this fundamental change to benefit.
How do you achieve climate neutrality?
Achieving climate neutrality is a long process, often requiring strategic changes in a company’s operations. It should start with counting your own carbon footprint and analyzing which areas of your business emit the most carbon. Then it is necessary to reduce indirect and direct carbon emissions. Unavoidable emissions (and only those) should be offset. Learn why reducing carbon footprint is essential for business.
What are the benefits of reaching carbon neutrality?
There will always be benefits to achieving a net zero target. The EY 2022 Sustainable Value Study reports that more than two-thirds of all respondents – 69% – say they get more financial value than expected from climate initiatives.
For business:
Savings from process modernization
Reduce expenses for carbon offsets
Increased sales
Increased investor interest
Good PR
Hiring effectiveness – Gen Z employees especially pay attention to company values
For the planet:
Regeneration of damaged ecosystems
Effective protection of endangered species
Reduction in the rate of global warming
Reduced risk of climate disasters
Provision of essential resources for future generations
How will achieving net zero affect the fight against climate change?
The answer is very simple – achieving the net zero targets will slow down climate change. Will it stop them? It’s hard to say, we recommend caution in such a thesis. Of course, in an exemplary way, if the whole world unanimously reduces its greenhouse gas emissions, people will be aware not only of their carbon footprints but also of the environment, then who knows? We certainly need to try and find out, because for now, this is the only scenario humanity has. The effects of our actions will be seen by our children and grandchildren.
By striving for climate neutrality and reducing this excess carbon dioxide emissions, we are fighting to save the planet for future generations. For their well-being, security, access to healthy food, clean water, and air, and the opportunity to grow without fear of global warming.
Something is better than nothing
Skeptics believe that both individual actions by individuals and small companies will have no effect compared to the world’s largest issuers. Don’t let better be the enemy of the good – every step matters. In the idea of zero waste, there is a famous saying by Anne-Marie Bonneau: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly” – identical is the case with reducing GHG emissions. Consumers have a huge influence on the actions of companies and are already declaring that they can pay more to a company doing green business.
What to do? Advice for entrepreneurs who want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Act, even in small business. At all costs – in ways, we can, currently, afford.
Take care of low-carbon transportation, electric vehicles
Low energy consumption
Buy energy from renewable sources (green tariffs)not powered by fossil fuels
Choose sustainable products
Set up solar panels to serve your headquarters’ energy needs.
Work with suppliers that also reduce emissions
Talk to consultants, and educate employees, make positive impact
Introduce simple sustainable practices in the company – saving paper, unplugging appliances from the outlet,
Support local, small business
Buy carbon offsets where is needed
Calculate your carbon footprint makes sense
The future begins today, and the climate neutrality of your enterprise starts with calculating your business carbon footprint. Knowing its value will begin the journey to net zero for your business and all the benefits that come with it. Take advantage of our consulting, book a demo, and save the planet!